SCENE 1- Last few days of school, during exams!
There is chaos, excitement and a
vibrant buzz! Tables are filled with colorful pens as people put their most
creative hand-writings on paper!
No! I ain’t referring to the board exam fever… all the fuss is
about the stack of ‘slam Books and Autograph diaries’, colorful and happening,
hand-made or Archies imported, that await their turns to be filled by our near
and dear friends and also the far and hi-bye friends! Different slam books,
different people, different equations and different words! But all the
questions remain the same and so do their answers (almost). Yet there is a
certain joy… of giving away those slams, autographs, signed t-shirts, contact
In them and with them we leave a promise… A genuine one! The
promise to keep in touch!
SCENE 2- Social Gathering/Campaign/Meet
We meet new people… many for the very first time in our lives!
5 days of togetherness…3 days of laughter…2 days of bonding...a day of love! We humans
get attached to each so easily! Some time to chatter and the next moment we
appear like the best of friends…bonding together since ages! No we don’t go
with a plan to make new relations… new friends! To us it just happens! What is
rather difficult for us is the process of parting! The concept of Good bye’s is
enough to make some teary eyed! As they say, ‘’there is nothing Good about a
The only thing that plays the soothing role is the promise… A
genuine one! The promise to keep in touch!
SCENE 3- Family/ Friends Get-together
We know them… we bond well with some… we fight with some! But we
share an emotional chord with them! Family/ Friendly gatherings are the most
looked forward to events! If not they end up being fun and memorable eventually…
But what we leave with while going is the promise… A genuine one! The
promise to keep in touch!
Cause people in our life come and go, but it is when they near
their time of parting we realize their role and importance in our lives! Even
if not we always leave with a promise to keep in touch! If you re-think its
sounds like the most false yet convincing reassurance!
Today we have endless means of staying
in touch! Apart from the traditional face-to-face meet-ups, we are surrounded
by a TECHNO-WEBBED world! Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, Google Plus, Skype,
SMS, Whatsapp, BBM, Chaton and there are newer options coming up everyday! And yet
we know how far and distanced we are from people each day!
We blame our buzy routines despite spending endless hours of wastedness
we fail to reach out to those we promised to stay connected with. And yet we
manage to find time for our current favorites! We disconnect…or rather just
lose network with those running on parallel tracks!
Those promises were not fake! Those reassurances were not masks…
Life moves on… and so do we!
It does not signal to leave behind those people or the promises!